Hurricane Damage Claim: How to Reopen Your Underpaid or Denied Irma Claim (There’s Still Time)

As I have written previously, Floridians still have time to reopen or file a claim for hurricane damage that occurred when Irma hit us in 2017.

But time is running out.

I want to make something clear—if you have filed a claim in the months following the destruction of Hurricane Irma, the resistance you got from the insurance company may have been more forceful than it should have been.

Reasons to File or Reopen Your Hurricane Irma Claim
Of course, the reason anyone would want to file or reopen a claim is so they can replace and repair anything that was damaged or destroyed. However, to reopen a homeowner’s insurance claim, you must have a legitimate reason. Here are some of the most common situations.

  • You have found new damage
  • You are still completing repairs and do not know the cost
  • You did not receive replacement value when you should have
  • Your claim was originally denied but it shouldn’t have been

If none of the above situations describes what you are going through but you still feel like you deserve compensation, you need to talk to a professional.

How the Process Works
When you want to reopen a claim for hurricane damage, the process usually begins with a review of what was previously done on your claim. You should retain the services of a Florida Licensed Public Adjuster to review all of the documentation that you have regarding your claim. Common documents include your insurance policy at the time the damage occurred, the estimate you received from your insurance company, any copies of previous payments received from the Carrier as well as receipts from any repairs you made.

If the public adjuster feels that you have reason to reopen your claim, they will contact your insurance for you. At this time, the public adjuster will reinspect your home, if possible. The public adjuster will then create an estimate of the damages to send to your insurance for a supplemental claim. Your insurance provider will then complete their own inspection or estimate.

Mediation and Appraisal
When you reopen an insurance claim, your insurance company may ask you to enter into mediation. During mediation, you, your public adjuster, and your insurance company will meet with a mediator. The mediator will facilitate the meeting while you and your insurance company both present the documentation that you have compiled. Mediation, however, does not always work out, because it is non-binding. If mediation falls through and you are trying to receive compensation for a high-value claim, you can choose to go through appraisal.

You can refuse to go to mediation and request an Appraisal instead of mediation if your policy has that provision. In the appraisal process, both sides will hire an appraiser to compare costs and come to an agreement. If a settlement is reached, then your claim is resolved. If the appraisers cannot agree then an umpire will be brought in to help facilitate a fair and reasonable settlement with the help of your Appraiser.

Get the Hurricane Damage Compensation You Deserve
The deadline to file or reopen your claim for Hurricane Irma is approaching quickly. The last day to file is September 9, 2020. If you think that you are entitled to compensation, do not wait any longer. Get in touch with me today so that we can work together to get you the money you deserve.