hurricane damage picture from outer space

Hurricane Damage Prevention: How to Prep Your Home for the 2022 Season

After a record-breaking 2021 hurricane season, every homeowner in Florida should be preparing for hurricane damage this year. In this article, readers can find tips for keeping their damage to a minimum. Hurricane season is making the news once again. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, many meteorologists are considering moving the Atlantic hurricane season start date from …

Property Insurance Claims Often Require This Critical Document

Property Insurance Claims Often Require This Critical Document

Property insurance claims need the proper documentation. This article discusses one of the most important documents that you need to have. It’s not going to be easy. It isn’t exciting, especially if you have to spend a few weekends documenting everything of value in your home, including electronics, jewelry, expensive furnishings, artwork, high-end appliances, expensive or specialty items of clothing, …

How to Make a Successful Mold Insurance Claim

How to Make a Successful Mold Insurance Claim

Want to learn how to file a successful mold insurance claim? This article offers some tips for navigating the process. Most homeowners neglect to take mold seriously until it becomes an expensive problem. Not only can mold remediation be expensive, but mold is also hazardous to your health and the health of your family. If you think that you may …

Does Insurance Cover Cast Iron Pipe Leaks?

Does Insurance Cover Cast Iron Pipe Leaks?

Does insurance cover cast iron pipe leaks? It depends. This article highlights some of the practical issues surrounding this common problem. If your home was built before 1972, your plumbing system could be a ticking time bomb waiting to blow. Why? The reason is simple—cast iron was the material of choice for most home plumbing. As you may know, cast …

What Types of Water Damage Does Your Insurance Policy Cover?

What Types of Water Damage Does Your Insurance Policy Cover?

If your home has experienced water damage, do not hesitate to contact an insurance claim expert. Get in touch with me today so we can discuss your needs. Water is one of the most common reasons homeowners file insurance claims. If you expect your insurance to cover your losses, however, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of homeowner’s …

Filing a Hurricane Insurance Claim This Year Just Got More Likely

Filing a Hurricane Insurance Claim This Year Just Got More Likely

Since at least April, most people have known that the 2020 hurricane season would be particularly volatile. The latest news, however, puts Floridians’ chances of filing a hurricane insurance claim even higher (and they were already pretty high). According to NPR, the number of named Atlantic storms that we are likely to see this year could be between 19 and …

Preparing for Hurricane Damage: 3 Ways to Mitigate Losses for the “Above Normal” 2020 Season

Preparing for Hurricane Damage: 3 Ways to Mitigate Losses for the “Above Normal” 2020 Season

According to Dr. Phil Klotzbach, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University, the 2020 hurricane season is going to see “above normal” hurricane activity. For Floridians, a higher than average number of hurricanes and tropical storms could mean a higher risk of hurricane damage to homes and other property. With two named storms—Arthur and Bertha—already occurring before hurricane season even …